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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"My Highland Lover" (Maeve Greyson) ★★★★ with GIVEAWAY!!

My Highland Lover
Highland Hearts # 1
By: Maeve Greyson
Releasing March 24th, 2015



Maeve Greyson unleashes a thrilling tale of magic and desire as a feisty Southern gal falls into the arms of a rough-hewn Highland chieftain.

As the proprietor of a homeopathic store in rural Kentucky, Trulie Sinclair knows that her neighbors think she’s strange—but they have no idea how strange she really is. Trulie was born in Scotland in the thirteenth century to a line of time-traveling Highlanders. When Trulie’s grandmother convinces her to return to their homeland, Trulie jumps back in time, right onto the powerful chest of Gray MacKenna. Just as his steely good looks send ripples through her body, their fierce attraction will send ripples through the ages.

After his parents murdered, Gray is consumed by thoughts of revenge. As the new chieftain of the MacKenna clan, he has reason to believe that there’s a traitor in his midst, and nothing—not even the bonny lass who suddenly drops from the sky—can distract him from his single-minded pursuit of the culprit. But when Gray learns that this sassy beauty possesses gifts beyond the sparkle in her eye, he allows his gaze, and his heart, to linger. While he hunts for the murderer, Gray finds in Trulie a precious companion—and a timeless love.


A fine upstanding clan. A MacKenna. That was all the proof Trulie needed. No wonder Granny wasn’t upset. The conniving old woman orchestrated the entire thing. How many times had she begged Granny to stop meddling?
“And that’s another thing—” Trulie cursed under her breath as one rubber boot decided to stay behind as she took a step forward out of the muck.
“Watch your mouth.” Granny shook a warning finger as though Trulie were still a child. “I didna raise ye to talk like that.”
Trulie gripped the side of the truck, shoved her foot back down into the wet boot, and twisted it free of the sucking mire. The next run to the barn to fetch the cured oils, either Kenna or one of the twins was coming with her. Granny was hereby banned from all visits to the backwoods no matter how much the girls complained. And Kismet could stay home and watch over the girls instead of Karma. She’d had it with that damn cat. Trulie sloshed forward and bit back another curse word as she whacked her knee on the bent running board of the truck. This night just kept getting better by the minute. “Where do you think I learned those words, Granny?” Trulie doubled over and massaged her throbbing knee. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.
A louder snort was Granny’s only response.
Trulie hoisted herself up into the bed of the truck and slammed open the back window. Granny wasn’t going to avoid the real issue here so easily. A sword-wielding man—one scantily clad in a kilt no less—in the backwoods of Kentucky was not an everyday occurrence. “Would you like to tell me what you know about Mr. Deer-in-the-headlights, or am I going to have to get the truth from him?”
If I can find him. The nagging voice in the back of her mind grew louder, insisting Trulie acknowledge the truth: the mysterious man was more than likely one of Granny’s better illusions. The old woman had tried for years to teach Trulie how to pluck an individual’s consciousness from the past or the future and stitch it so tightly into the present that it appeared as though they were physically there. Trulie had never been quite able to pull it off. Granny, on the other hand, was quite adept at that particular time-runner gift.
“Stay here, Kismet. Trulie’s being hardheaded again.” Granny pushed open the door and deftly hopped out of the truck. The black cat blinked one glowing eye as though winking in response.

“Granny, please get back in the truck. You’re gonna fall and break your neck.” Trulie straightened from the truck’s back window and rubbed the corners of her tired, gritty eyes. She was in no mood to go through this again. Granny had shifted into conniving overdrive lately to convince Trulie to accompany her back to the past. Trulie wouldn’t mind a brief jaunt back to the thirteenth century, but Granny wanted to pull up stakes and relocate. The old woman was sick of using the twenty-first century as home. She wanted to return to their roots—permanently. The determined scowl on Granny’s face was a dead giveaway. Granny, prime source of all Sinclair stubbornness DNA, had gone one step further in her plan to travel to thirteenth-century Scotland. She had gone to the extreme of pulling some poor unsuspecting Scot’s consciousness out of his own reality, and she’d plopped him right in front of Trulie’s truck.

"My Highland Lover" by Maeve Greyson.   This is one that I truly enjoyed.  It's the story of Trulie- a time traveler and Gray, a Highlander.  I really liked both main characters.  Trulie had me smiling throughout with all her inner thoughts.  Gray is one sexy Highlander that has a heart of gold.   I thought Ms. Greyson did a phenomenal job of explaining the time travel - obviously, time travel can be a bit far fetched but it was done in a manner that was believable.  The story moved at a really good pace - there was lots going on but I never felt lost.  If you enjoy historical romances with a twist of time travel, I would highly recommend Ms. Greyson's "My Highland Lover".  I'm looking forward to the next book of the series too!  (received copy for honest review)



No one has the power to shatter your dreams unless you give it to them. That’s been Maeve Greyson’s mantra since she was a girl. When she’s not at the full time day job at the steel mill, Maeve’s writing romances about sexy Highlanders and the women who tame them. Tucked away in a five acre wood, Maeve listens to the wind singing through the trees and hears her characters telling their stories. Her work is proofed by her sharp-eyed dog, Jasper, and her greatest supporter is her long suffering husband of over thirty-five years who’s learned not to throw away any odd sticky notes filled with strange phrases.